Remembrance Day, observed annually on November 11th, holds great significance for Australians as it commemorates the sacrifices made by their armed forces during times of war. This day is a solemn reminder that freedom and peace come at a cost. It also presents an opportunity for rituals that ensure the events of World War I – and in fact, all wars – are remembered, and their significance endures throughout the generations.  

Remembrance Day holds a deep meaning for Australians as it symbolises the end of World War I, the war in which many Australian lives were lost or forever changed. On November 11, 1918, the armistice signalling the end of hostilities was signed. Since then, Australians have observed this day to remember and honour those who died in service. It is a stark reminder of the sacrifices and importance of upholding peace.

Commemorative Activities

Across the country, a range of commemorative services and activities are held to bring veteran communities together in remembrance. Along with ANZAC Day it’s a pivotal opportunity for people to pay their respects to veterans and remember those who served their nation in the past.

Dawn Services are the best-known feature of Remembrance Day, with ceremonies commencing at sunrise, and services that echo the sombre atmosphere felt by our ancestors during times of conflict. People gather at war memorials, cenotaphs, and military cemeteries to reflect, lay wreaths, and observe one minute of silence at 11 am, as a mark of respect. This minute of silence is preceded by a minute or two of The Last Post being played on the bugle by a uniformed musician. The image of the solider and the instrument contrasted against a dawn sky is without fail one of the most haunting images captured every year. Other significant pieces of music, which can differ from one location to the next, or also played during ceremonies.

Once the sun has risen, Veterans and their families come together to participate in commemorative marches, representing different branches of the armed forces. These processions allow the younger generation to witness the living connection to history and understand the sacrifices made for their freedom. For many, the opportunity to march with a parent, a grandparent, a partner or a sibling who served or is currently serving, is incredibly moving. Let’s not forget the Remembrance Day poppies worn on the day either, a reminder of the first flowers to return to the battlefields in the Spring after the war. 

Remembrance Day is not limited to veterans alone. Local communities can organise events such as exhibitions, guest lectures, and workshops related to wartime history. Engaging community members of all ages is vital to fostering a sense of collective responsibility in preserving the memory of those who served.


With the oldest WWI Veteran Ted Smout, dying more than a decade ago, the importance of preserving history through the education of our children should not be underestimated. Educational institutions play a crucial role in ensuring the significance of Remembrance Day is passed down to younger generations. In recognition, Australian schools engage students in activities such as writing letters to veterans, creating commemorative art, and sharing stories of Australians who served. This helps foster understanding, empathy, and gratitude among the youth.

Many schools and educational institutions include lessons about the significance of Remembrance Day in their curriculum. By teaching the history, sacrifices, and consequences of wars, we can instil an appreciation for peace and create a sense of responsibility towards upholding it.


Sharing personal stories of those affected by war helps humanise the narratives and brings the experience to life for those who live lives so far removed from those experiences today. We must encourage veterans and their families to recount and pass those stories down. This personal connection maintains the emotional impact of Remembrance Day and keeps the sacrifices of our heroes alive.

We, of course, have a powerful means of storytelling at our fingertips now in digital technology. It has provided us with the opportunity to not only tell stories in richer and more engaging ways but also to cast a much wider net in those stories being shared whilst also bridging generational gaps for those born in the digital age. Websites, social media campaigns, and interactive platforms can provide virtual memorials where people can explore stories, photographs, and historical accounts. This digital presence ensures accessibility to information and helps maintain public interest.

Remembrance Day is a deeply significant day for Australians, reminding them of the sacrifices made by their armed forces to pursue peace. Through commemorative activities, community involvement, education, storytelling, and digital engagement, we can ensure the importance of this day remains alive for younger generations. By passing down the knowledge and demonstrating our respect, we uphold the memory of those who gave everything for our freedom. Let us continue to honour their courage, dedication, and sacrifice on this solemn day and throughout the year. Lest we forget.